Ninth Edition CoverGraziano & Raulin
Research Methods (9th edition)

Resources for Chapter 3

03:01 Library Research

This unit provides a brief tutorial on library research and gives several examples of literature searches on specific topics in psychology. Strategies are discussed and illustrated with examples that show how each strategy works.

03:02 APA Ethical Guidelines for Research with Human Subjects  

This unit lists the current APA Ethical Guidelines for Research with human participants.

03:03 Research and Publication Section (APA Ethical Principles, 2002)

This unit lists the section of the overall ethical code for psychologists that deals with research and publication. It covers matters that are well beyond the guidelines for the use of humans in research, such as authorship, plagiarism, and sharing research data.

03:04 Guidelines for Ethical Conduct in the Care and Use of Animals

This is the latest set of guidelines from the APA for the care and use of animals in research.

03:05 Study Guide/Lab Manual

03:06 Related Internet Sites


Specific Help