Ninth Edition CoverGraziano & Raulin
Research Methods (9th edition)

WEB Links to Topics
Covered in Chapter 4

Listed below are several links to Web sites that include information about topics covered in this chapter. We will be periodically updating this list to keep it fresh and interesting. If you know of a good site on a topic of relevance to this chapter, we would appreciate hearing about it. Contact Mike Raulin with your suggestions. We will be sure to give you credit for suggesting high quality sites in future updates.

Scales of Measurement Handouts from Various Courses

Scales of Measurement and Statistics
Discussion of how statistical procedures are affected by the scales of measurement.

Scales of Measurement
Descriptions of the various scales of measurement.

Scales of Measurement
Definitions and examples of each scale of measurement.

Unobtrusive Measurement

Unobtrusive Measures
Overview of the use of unobtrusive measures in research.

Using Unobtrusive Measurement in Research
This page discusses the advantages of using unobtrusive measures.

Unobtrusive Measures and Official Statistics
An outline of unobtrusive measures and how they can be gathered and used.

Assessing Nonformal Environmental Education: Unobtrusive Data Collection
A brief article detailing available resources for researchers interested in using unobtrusive methods.

Unobtrusive Methods in Social Science Research
The introduction to a book devoted to the topic.

Operational Definitions

Operational Definitions
From Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. This discussion is linked to discussions of related topics.

Operational Definitions and Variables
Lecture outline on the topic.

Operational Definitions
Another lecture outline on this topic.


Educational and Psychological  Measurement
This is a journal devoted exclusively to the problem of measuring psychological variables in real world settings.

Applied Psychological Measurement
This is another journal devoted to this topic.

Educational and Psychological Measurement Instruments
A resource guide on how to find the psychological measure that you need. This guide was developed by the Library at Emory University.

An Introduction to the Logic of Psychological Measurement
This is a book on the topic.

Educational and Psychological Measurement and Evaluation
This is another book on the topic.

Reliability and Validity

Overview: Reliability and Validity
A series of discussions on these and related topics, complete with a bibliography.

Measurement Validity and Reliability
A PowerPoint presentation on these topics.


Links to Autism Web Sites